Being in Rome for its craziest time of the year, Holy week, has already began. The tourist are all starting to pour in and I'm starting to hear tons of people speaking english, which is awesome hah. I had such an amazing experience today. Before I left home for Rome, my great Aunt Susie who loves traveling and Rome especially, told me that while I was here I absolutely had to visit the sisters of Notre Dame's convent and her friend Sister Mary Margaret Agnes. At first I honestly thought it sounded like another one of those things that people tell you that you 'have to do' while your here or there, but it turned out to be an amazing experience. Two of my roommates and I took a cab there this afternoon, it was only about 10 minutes away surprisingly. It was on a huge hill a little outside of Rome and gave us an amazing view the entire ride. Once we got there we honestly didn't know what to do since we kinda just planned this adventure on a whim. For some reason I thought it would be okay to just show up and not call or anything hah, but it ended up working out so it was okay:) Once we finally found our way into the convent gates we were blown away with all the smells and colors of flowers and orange trees, it was beautiful. We were greeted at the back door by the nicest Indian lady who welcomed us inside without having any clue who we were or why we were there. She led us inside to a cute little living room where we could sit down, and then finally asked who we were visiting and who we were. I was hoping that Sister Mary Margaret Agnes was even there since she had no idea we were coming! Thankfully when I told the lady who we were there to see, she smiled and said ooh your visiting from the United States?! She then said she would go let Sister know that she had visitors and she would be right down. A few minutes later the Indian lady came back down with drinks for us and asked again how we knew Sister Mary Margaret Agnes. I told her about Aunt Susie and gave her an article about Aunt Susie to help spark Sister's memory incase she couldn't remember. A few short minutes later Sister came down and said, 'you must be Lauren!' I was shocked that she knew my name and exactly which one of us I was. She then told me that Aunt Susie had written to her back during Christmas saying that I might come visit, but how she remembered my name was still crazy to me! She even said that she could tell that I was Lauren because I resembled Aunt Susie and her family hah, it was so cool. I felt so bad because we caught her so off guard and interruped her bread making, but never the less she seemed happy to have us:)
We spend the next hour just sitting and talking to Sister and hearing all about her life. She is from Covington, Kentucky originally and after taking her perpetual vows 56 years ago moved to Rome and has been here ever since! She said that originally when she left home for Rome she thought that she would never be back again and had to say her final goodbyes to all of her family and friends, and that although she said it was hard she said that becoming a sister of God was truly what she wanted and she knew that it was what she wanted to do. I was blown away by her strength, I don't know if I would ever be able to say goodbye to those I love like that. You could see the tears welling up in her eyes as she told us the numerous stories of saying goodbye as well as saying hello to the new life that lay before her. She told us the most amazing stories of people she has gotten to meet, events that she witnessed, as well as times she has lived through. Not only has she been in Rome for some of the greatest pope's to ever live such as Pius and John Paul II, but she got to be in their presence and even meet John Paul II. It was unbelievable listening to her tell stories of being invited to a small chapel in the Vatican with only 20 people in attendance to have mass with Pope John Paul II, and to be personally blessed by him afterwards. Her energy lit up the room as she closed her eyes and told us that she still can remember how amazing it was so be blessed my such a man. It brought tears to her eyes and I felt like I could feel the grace that John Paul II brought to the world just through her experience. Eventually, after the Second Vatican Council many of the rules were changed and she as well as many others who had made their lifelong commitment were allowed to go home and visit their families every couple of years. But until now, she thought that she would die here in Rome, but she has decided that in May she will be going home to Kentucky for good. Although she is excited she said that it will be so strange leaving Rome. Even though home has always been in Kentucky, she has spend the majority of her life here in Rome. She then brought us some cookies and huge wafers that her friend brought back from the Czech Republic, they were soo good!!! It was so interesting to hear all about Aunt Susie from Sister. I couldn't believe that even though I was halfway across the world from home, here I was sitting in a villa in Italy with a fellow Kentuckian listening to stories about my great's crazy. Not only did she talk about Aunt Susies amazing accomplishments, but also of how cool of a life she has had. Before this, I honestly had no idea what all Aunt Susie had done, but it sounds awesome! I can't wait to talk to her more about it when I get home. Sister then gave us a tour of the beautiful convent. I couldn't believe how peaceful, quiet, and blooming with flowers it was. There were tons of tulips of every color, which were all imported from Holland by other sisters. They were literally the biggest tulips I've ever seen, mom would have been in absolute heaven. The rest of the yard was filled with orange trees, palm trees, pear trees, and she even walked us down a tiny path to show us a tree that she knew we had never seen...a cork tree!!! We got the chance to even walk through the greenhouses they had, which were full of Easter lilies about to bloom:) I have never seen such a picturesque yard.
I am so glad that I got the opportunity to visit Sister Mary Margaret Agnes and hope that I get to visit her again sometime! It's always so nice to feel at home even in a different country with someone you've never met, it's pretty special if you ask me:)